
TAŞELİ RENEWABLE ZONE – Grid Connection Analyses

Aim of the project is to analyse secure and reliable integration of 10 GW wind + 10 GW PV solar capacity at Taşeli Renewable Zone to Turkish power system until 2028. Scope of the project includes: 1) Data collection; 2) Data freezing and assumptions; 3) Modeling studies (TÜREB Scenario for the target years 2025, 2030 and 2038 – static grid (400 kV & 154 kV) and SCUC modeling (Security Constrained Unit Committment based market and grid simulation in hourly resolution); 4) Grid dynamic modeling; 5) SCUC analyses; 6) Market and network simulations with SCUC; 7) Voltage profile and reactive capacity adequacy analysis; 8) Steady-state stability analyzes; 8) Transient stability analysis; 9) Final report.

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