

We performed satisfactorily the parameter tuning of Power System Stabilizers (PSS) of units at ZETES Thermal Power Plant (2790 MW). Optimum settings of the PSS ensure that the units provide positive damping to both local (»1Hz) and interarea (»0,15Hz) oscillations as requested by Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation (TEIAS).

We are excited to announce that EPRA is qualified by Enerjisa Üretim for the grid code compliance analyses of 9 new wind power plants (WPP) in Türkiye.

We provided DIgSILENT PowerFactory user trainings to Azerisiq Electricity Distribution Company personnel. Thanks to all Azerisiq staff for their warm hosting in Baku.

Our paper “Coal Phase-out in the Turkish Power Sector towards Net-zero Emission Targets: An Integrated Assessment of Energy-Economy-Environment Modeling” is accepted for presentation during the 26th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis. The study is the first attempt to couple three separate models within a single framework: an electricity market simulation model, a generation planning model and a macroeconomic applied general equilibrium model. The framework is implemented to analyze alternative scenarios aiming at successful phasing-out of coal-fired power plants in Turkey by 2035.

We are excited to announce that EPRA is qualified for the study of “IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE DECARBONIZATION PATHWAY OF TÜRKİYE UNTIL 2050”. The project is coordinated by İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi | Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) under donation European Climate Foundation. Implementation plan will include a timeline and geographical locations for the evolution of the electricity mix within 5-year periods until 2050.


Excited to announce that EPRA is qualified by Kontrolmatik Technologies for tuning of Power System Stabilizers (PSS) of units at ZETES TPP (2790 MW). Optimum settings of the PSS will ensure positive damping not only to local (~1Hz) oscillations but also to inter-area (~0,15Hz) oscillations.

We made a presentation of “Earthquake Resistant Electric Networks” in the panel titled “EARTHQUAKE REALITY AND ELECTRIC INVESTMENTS FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE” in the event organized by          EMSAD Electromechanical Industry Association Türkiye. We would like to thank EMSAD for their invitation us as a panelist.

We are excited to announce that EPRA is qualified by Borusan EnBW Enerji to perform grid compliance analyses for the 94 MWp Saros Solar Power Plant (SPP) which will form a wind-solar hybrid power plant at the Saros region.