

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Samsun University is now among the universities with DIgSILENT PowerFactory software…

Our script algorithm which automatically integrates network investments planned in b-PRO software into the DIgSILENT PowerFactory network model, is now ready with its first user YEDAŞ – Yeşilırmak Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş.

Adm Elektrik (DisCO) is now among the distribution companies which has an EP-OTD algorithm license developed by our team.

EP-OTD algorithm allows distribution companies to quickly analyze maneuvering alternatives in hashtag#DIgSILENT hashtag#PowerFactory model of the grid.

We performed ancillary service certification tests of the major power plants in Moldova satisfactorily in the scope of “Moldova Energy Security Activity (MESA) Project” with Tetra Tech.
Ancillary service performance of the power plants (Termoelectrica, Moldavskaya GRES, and CET-Nord) in terms of FCR, aFRR, mFRR, and RR are assessed with the representatives of the Moldova TSO, SE Moldelectrica.

We performed very productive and pleasant trainings with Çoruh Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. grid planning engineers in our Ankara Office in the scope of our “Implementation Oriented Special DIgSILENT PowerFactory Training Program” which is provided by our experts for the special needs of institutions.

Content of the training is determined based on specific needs of Çoruh Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. with an emphasis on “Advanced grid analysis with hashtag#DIgSILENT hashtag#PowerFactory in the scope of distribution grid master plan”;

  • Definition of network investment alternatives as network variations
  • Impact analyses of grid investment alternatives in terms of grid performance indices
  • Metropolitan distribution MV network contingency analyses (N-1 alternative feeding)
  • Optimization of tie open point positions at metropolitan distribution MV network

Did you know that supercapacitors are an electrical energy storage technology that, in its most basic definition, stores energy in the form of an electrostatic field enabling;

  • Usage of the full capacity of the battery from 0% to 100%,
  • Charging & discharging up to 4 times a day,
  • Efficiency (AC-AC round-trip efficiency) is at the level of 95-97% ?

What about its feasibility at the Turkish Electricity Market?

We are thrilled to announce our new Project with Supracap; “Comparison of Supercapacitor & Li-Ion Technologies in Turkish Electricity Market” which will provide answers to this question.
Scope of the project includes comparison of two different storage technologies in terms of following business models: Ancillary service (frequency control), Management of imbalances of renewable generation sources (wind & PV solar), and Arbitrage in the power market.

We hosted representativs of DANNIE.CC in our office and discussed potential collaborations between DANNIE.CC and EPRA Energy.

We participated to DIgSILENT Representatives Meeting 2024 in Gomaringen office of DIgSILENT GmbH.

Many thanks to DIgSILENT team for the warm hospitality, great organization, and updates on the products …

Many thanks to representatives all over the world for productive and promising discussions …

We are very happy to be a member of DIgSILENT family …

Çalık Altyapı ve Elektrik Hizmetleri A.Ş preffered solutions of EPRA Energy for regional demand projection in the scope of grid master plan of YEDAŞ – Yeşilırmak Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. for the 2030-2035 period. Demand projection analysis will be based on econometric & s-curve techniques.

Türkiye Wind Energy Congress (TÜREK) 2024, organized by the Türkiye Rüzgar Enerjisi Birliği (TÜREB) (Turkish Wind Energy Association (TWEA), of which we are a member, was very productive.

We would like to thank all sector participants who visited our stands and those whom we exchanged very useful ideas about our solutions in the renewables sector throughout the event.